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GCH Bayside's Little Wolf de Nanrox & Wild Wild West de Nanrox  

 Chiot Manchester Puppy!

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NANcy & ROXanne

Welcome on NANROX website! 

We hope you enjoy browsing on our Web site on the Manchester Terrier and that you will find lots of useful information .

NANcy & ROXanne

Kallil de NanroxKallil de Nanrox       



The Question of Cooked or Raw Foods?

  • Most people are very confused about this.  They heat conflicting advice from many quarters.  Most commonly they are advised to cook their dog’s food.  Rarely are they told why.


People Cook Their Dog’s Food for all Sorts of Reasons.

  • One is so their dog will not take baits.  Unfortunately many baits are given with cooked food.
  • Others believe that dogs are ‘’supposed’’ to eat cooked food.  Somebody told them, or they ‘’heard’’ it somewhere.
  • Often the food is cooked ‘’to prevent worms or distemper or… something…?’’
  • Some people cannot cope with their dog eating raw meat and offal.
  • Many cook their dog’s food because they believe it will become more nutritious and more easily digested.

Most people admit they have no idea at all what they should do.  Sometimes they feed it raw and sometimes they feed it cooked.



There are some very good reasons why food is cooked.


Food is Cooked to Kill Germs and the Toxins They Produce

If there are any dangerous germs in your dog’s food, proper cooking will destroy them.


Cooking Your Dog’s Food Kills any Parasites

Cooking prevents the transfer of parasites from the dog’s food to humans.  Particularly the hydatid tapeworm.  Hydatidosis is a potentially fatal disease which can be transmitted to man from various animals including sheep, pigs, kangaroos, wallabies, cattle etc...

For more information on this problem please read Chapter 9, where raw foods and the hydatid problem are discussed.


Food is Cooked so it can be Stored and Transported

Raw food ‘’goes off’’ or self-destructs due to the activity of its own enzymes.

Cooking stops this process by destroying the enzymes. This allows food to be transported and stored.


Food is Cooked to Make it More Nutritious and More Digestible

Is that a valid reason?  In general... No.  There are exceptions to this.  Grains and certain vegetables require to be cooked for various reasons, but in most cases cooking food does not make it any more digestible or nutritious.

Cooking physically breaks food down, making it more easily ‘’got at’’ by your dog’s digestive enzymes.  This includes meat and vegetables.

Apart from that digestive aid, cooking does nothing to make food more nutritious.  In fact cooked food for a variety of reasons loses much of its nutritive value.

It is popularly supposed that dogs cannot digest raw vegetables.  However, if raw vegetables are physically broken down such as with a food processor or a juicer, your dog can easily digest them.



Cooking Destroys Vitamins

Heat destroys many vitamins.  Particularly a number of B vitamins and vitamin C.  Many are lost with the cooking water.


Cooking Destroys Enzymes

All living tissue contains enzymes in abundance. Enzymes are proteins which control the chemical reactions which in their totality, constitute the life of an animal.  Those enzymes are destroyed by heat.

The enzymes in raw food are now recognised as important nutrients.  As nutrients they have two basic functions:

Firstly, they aid the digestion of the food they are found in, and secondly they help slow the ageing process.

The destruction of enzymes in food forces the pancreas to work harder.  It has to produce more digestive enzymes.  The result is several diseases in dogs, including Pancreatitis, Pancreatic Insufficiency and sugar Diabetes.  Closely linked with this problem is the poor availability of zinc in modern processed foods, particularly the dried dog foods.

Enzymes in food are absorbed whole into the bloodstream.  Once in the body, they help slow and even reverse the damaging effects of a process in the body called ‘’cross-linking’’.  Cross-linking is one of the most damaging of the ageing effects.  It causes skin to become wrinkled and inelastic, arteries to become hard and brittle, and is one of the mechanisms by which the molecules found in genes become damaged, resulting in cancer and birth deformities.

In other words, by cooking your dog’s food, you are contributing in no small way to your dog’s ageing processes and in the case of stud dogs and bitches, you are contributing to reproductive problems.


Cooking Destroys Other Naturally Occurring Anti-Ageing Factors

Anti- ageing factors called anti-oxidants which are present in raw foods, are destroyed by cooking.  That is why cooked food is less able to slow the ageing process, and is involved in all of the degenerative diseases of old age, including cancer, kidney disease, heart disease, arthritis etc., etc..


Cooking Can Reduce Protein Value and Availability

Excessive cooking results in proteins becoming indigestible.  It also causes the loss of two essential amino acids.  Lysine and methionine.  That loss results in growth problems, bone problems, skin problems, problems in pregnancy, milk production, and general poor health and reduced resistance to disease.


Cooking Produces ‘’Foreign’’ Foods

When food is cooked, the fats, the proteins, the carbohydrates, that is, all the major nutrients are changed.  The greater the degree of cooking, the greater the changes.  The greater the changes, the more indigestible that food becomes.  Also, the more the body regards such molecules as foreign.

These foreign chemicals can result in allergic reactions, including auto-immune diseases like arthritis.  Many of these ‘’new chemicals’’ are carcinogenic or cancer forming.

In other words, modern cooked foods, such as commercial dog foods, not only lack many protective nutrients (vitamins, enzymes, anti-oxidants and other anti-ageing factors), but also are full of dangerous chemicals which actively promote cancer and other degenerative diseases.


No Teeth Cleaning and No Exercise Required to Eat it.

A dog subjected to a lifetime of cooked food is, deprived of chewing, ripping and tearing at food.  This means that an important aspect of the food as creating exercise for a dog is lost.  It also means that a dog’s teeth are not cleaned.  That in itself creates major health problems for the dog as infected and decaying teeth send toxins and bacteria throughout its body.


Cooking Food Makes it More Tasty … Sounds Great?

Cooked food tastes and smells a whole lot better than raw food.  This is true for most people and most dogs.

The question is, have we gained anything for our dogs by making their food more palatable?

The only time palatability is useful, is when you are trying to coax a sick dog to commence eating.  Apart from that one advantage, not much has been gained.  The major problem is that cooked food is addictive.  This leads to a number of problems.


Dogs eating a raw, whole food diet, are usually able to use instinct to make suitable choices if presented with a sufficiently wide variety of foods.  Modern cooked food abolishes this natural instinct because of its addictive effects.


Dogs fed cooked food often train their owner to feed them a narrow range of favourites.  This always leads to an unbalanced diet with health problems being the inevitable consequence.


It can be difficult but not impossible to change the eating habits of older animals raised on cooked food.


Because cooked food tastes so good, over-eating and hence obesity is common.


Pet food companies, use the addictive qualities of cooked food to help sell their product.  People buy food which their dog likes.


The Bottom Line on Cooked Food

When food is cooked, it retains sufficient nutrients to keep your dog alive with no obvious immediate problems.  It does not however allow your dog to have a long, healthy, trouble-free life.  It is responsible for much ill health including cancer, kidney disease, heart disease, arthritis, pancreatic disease etc.  In short, dogs fed on cooked foods live shorter, less healthy, more miserable lives.



Wild dogs live exclusively on raw foods.  Their whole metabolism is geared to the consumption of raw foods.  Modern dogs are no different which is sufficient justification for feeding them in exactly the same way.

However, many folk require a lot more evidence before they will feed their dogs raw food.  Let’s examine that evidence.


The Results of Feeding Trials

The most tangible evidence is the numerous results of feeding trials.  Those trials show dogs fed raw foods are much healthier than dogs fed cooked foods.

Modern dogs fed on processed food and home cooked foods have weaker immune systems, and they age more quickly.


Dogs are Designed to Eat Contaminated Food

Many people are worried by the ‘’germs’’ in raw food.  They believe those germs will make their dog sick.  However, dogs have evolved to eat and thrive on ‘’germy’’ food.

Your dog being a scavenger, thrives on the presence of microbes in his or her food.  Wild dogs eat the gut contents of their prey, and the faeces of many different animals.  They also eat soil, contaminated meat, buried bones, infected meat and so on.  These are all a source of microbes and any toxins they might produce.

These microbe contaminated foods are a rich source of a wide range of healthy nutrients for a dog including proteins, fatty acids, enzymes, anti-oxidants and vitamins etc.. Dogs are designed to eat this type of food!


Raw Offal can be Safely Eaten

Raw offal is part of a dog’s natural diet, and is full of valuable nutrients.  The bottom line here is that lamb and lamb offal from your butcher is quite safe.  If in doubt consider the use of raw chicken offal in your healthy dog feeding programme.  See Chapter 9 for details on offal.


Dogs Depend upon Enzymes in Raw Foods

For millions of years, dogs have relied on the enzymes present in their food to help with the digestive process.

Cooked food does not have those enzymes.  On the other hand, food which is mechanically broken down without heating retains all its enzymes and is actually more easily digested than cooked food.

That is why your dog can actually digest raw vegetables better than cooked vegetables.  All you have to do is physically break up those vegetables before feeding them to your dog.

For more information on feeding raw vegetables to your dog, see Chapter 10.



In other words, it is important to deed your dog on fresh RAW wholesome food.  This principle is the reason I cannot recommend some of the supposedly better dog foods currently available.  The ones marketed by newcomers to the pet food industry, who claim to use top quality ingredients.  These foods which I cannot name for obvious reasons, being a cooked product, have all the drawbacks of cooked foods.



Naturally, for the sake of our own health we always make sure that the raw food we feed to our dogs in no way contaminates our own food.

If using kitchen utensils to prepare dog food, take all the same precautions you would normally take when handling raw food for your own consumption.  That includes near-boiling water for cleaning, proper washing and drying etc.



Store them in exactly the same way you would store food for yourself in order to preserve maximum nutrition.  That is, refrigerate meat and bones, of freeze them if buying in bulk and storing for longer periods; refrigerate vegetables and so on.

Frozen food has in general less nutritional value than fresh food, but in our experience is far more health promoting than food preserved by cooking.

Also note that the wolf, your dog’s ancestor has a long history of eating frozen meat and bones.  This is the way many wolves survive their winter.  In other words, the wolf, and therefore your dog, is actually adapted by long evolution to use frozen food as a normal part of its diet.

  • It is strongly advised that from the point of view of human health, you store your refrigerated and frozen raw dog foods separately from the family’s foods.